The Raidho Canine Way™
"When we listen to our animal's perspective it changes our lives in magical ways." - Kim Howatt
Welcome to Raidho Canine
An innovative and customized approach to life with our companions
Find out more in the Services Section. Join our pack today!
The Raidho Canine Way™

Welcome to

The Raidho Canine Way™

Helping dog owners build dynamic partnerships with their dog so they thrive and have a blast together every single day. Unlike those who fixate on problems, assumptions, and "quick fixes" we concentrate on building strong foundations, 2-way relationships, and aligned solutions as teammates.

Services we offer:
  • Canine Co-Creators Adventure - Raidho's signature program. Join a small group of humans and one of their chosen companions as we go on an EPIC 9 week adventure where the animals lead the way! Find out more: CANINE CO-CREATORS 9-WEEK ADVENTURE
  • The Enlightenment Experience: Our four-session one-to-one package where we approach our time together "Wholeistically".  Each week will focus on a different aspect of well-being and connection. Find out more: ENLIGHTENMENT EXPERIENCE

Raidho Canine is built on foundational principles: connection, authenticity, integrity, playfulness, and freedom for that is how our animals live in this world.

I am excited to meet you and your dog. Let's work together.

An inspiring collaboration between Kim Howatt and Jim Howatt.

Kim shares her incredible story of how Raidho Canine came to be, and Jim composed the impactful and beautiful music which brings this story to life.

Available on most streaming services!
About Raidho Canine 
Welcome to Raidho Canine, where we take you on a journey with your dog over a month. We have an adventure not a session.


Because we strive to create a deeper level of connection, confidence, and harmony in your daily life with your favorite furry companions.

Through heartfelt animal communication, we uncover the stories your dog has to tell because this provides incredible information for repairing and strengthening relationships.

The Raidho Canine Way™

At Raidho Canine, each wag and each whimper are not just an action but a reflection, part of a larger narrative that reveals truths about both of you. We help you decipher these tales, forging a bond that transcends the everyday and taps into the elemental truths of life. This journey isn’t just about addressing challenges—it’s about embracing the rhythms of nature and discovering the lessons hidden in plain sight, reflected through the eyes of our dogs.

Our path together is rich with discovery and filled with moments of profound connection. It's an adventure that weaves the stories of our lives with the wisdom of the natural world, inviting us to live more harmoniously and fully.

It is time to transform the way you see your dog, and yourself. Join us at Raidho Canine for a journey into the heart of your canine relationship. Let’s explore the extraordinary lessons waiting for us in the everyday, and let every step bring us closer to the true essence of our shared existence.
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The Raidho Canine Way™
Let's Stay in Touch!
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Take Inspired Action!
I help dog owners build dynamic 2-way relationships with their dogs so they can have a blast every single day together no matter the activity unlike those who take action to fix problems based on assumption, we create a strong foundation based on the animal’s need to be heard first and then create aligned solutions.

 The Raidho Canine Way™  
Are you someone who is:
 Always asking "Why?"
Worried about the future
Feeling like a failure
Embarrassed and humiliated
Fed up at the constant barking
Exhausted and stressed
Ashamed and guilt-ridden

The Raidho Canine Way™
Discover all that is POSSIBLE
Create a 2-way relationship so that you build a partnership on mutual trust
Ditch the blame addiction so that you live in this moment with your dog
Give your companion a voice so that you eliminate assumptions and guesswork
Improve self-esteem so that you trust your decision-making and no longer need outside approval
Focus on Facts so that you can remain grounded in the midst of challenge
Communicate clearly so that managing tough situations feels easy
Build an unshakable foundation so that you have a blast every day together
Raidho Canine Services
The Raidho Canine Way™
Raidho Canine Offerings
Where relationships come alive and thrive!
Canine Co-Creators: Dog-Guided Adventure Choose this EPIC and life-changing 9-week adventure where you will enjoy learnings and friendship with a small group of like minded human and canine companions.
Enlightenment Experience: 4 Private Sessions - Choose this transformational experience if you want to work privately, dive deep, and create a beautiful 2-way partnership. 
Circle Community Access - FREE and monthly membership opportunity.
What Clients are Saying
"We receive these blessings with humble gratitude" - Kim Howatt
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You changed our relationship and our lives.

I was struggling to communicate with my extremely fearful rescue dog and feeling very guilty about our relationship. I just didn't feel like I really understood her or who she truly was.

Helping us to communicate on the same level improved our relationship 100%. Having a better understanding of who my girl really is and how she sees the world changed how I look at her. We have the tools to keep moving forward. Thank you for opening my eyes, my mind and my heart so I could see, hear and feel all her magic and love her honestly knowing that she is truly happy and secure. 
Kelly and Twisty P
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This was an amazing and magical experience. Our life together has changed so much.  The Wisdom all the dogs shared with us, it was amazing!✨️

So simple yet so profound.

And last but not least....... Thank you Kim for being the dogs channel, enabling them(probably for the first time)to speak up, share their wishes and thoughts but especially for them to be able to share their incredible Wisdom. You have given all of us a beautiful gift.

This was for me, until now, the most incredible adventure I have had together with my dogs 💞✨️🙏💃💞
Georgina & Nadir
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I'm so glad I signed up for the Dog Guided Approach adventure.   I had the time of my life and was blown away with the unique approach of having the dogs guide us through the six sessions.  They had so much to share, and I hadn't realized how much I could learn from them.  I have a much stronger connection with all my dogs now.  I worry less and look forward to our special time in the secret garden.  Kim did a fantastic job facilitating and I can't wait for the next adventure.
Bettina Nowicki & Murphy
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Kim has recently had conversations with 5 of our girls… wow, such incredibly profound messages from all of them.  I could really feel the nature of their exchanges. The communications give me such a deeper perspective of who I’m spending my life with! Since I’ve read (and re-read, and re-re-read 😉) the communications, something deep has been changing in them, in me and in our relationships, in very practical ways too. 

Thank you Kim, from the bottom of our hearts, for opening up that new space for us as a family.

Cécile & Her 5 Pack - Mon Chien, Mon Partenaire
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When I contacted Kim for communication with Donny, it was because I wanted Donny to have someone he could trust to have a conversation with. To enjoy sharing his stories, knowing that Kim would facilitate the safe space for him to do so.

And sure enough when Kim sent me her beautifully typed up transcript of the conversation Donny had with her, it was filled with memories of the things Donny used to love doing. Reading and recalling those times truly lifted me up too. It was a wonderful way to remind me to not just focus on the care-taking aspects of Donny day-to-day but to make space and time to listen to Donny share his favourite memories with me.

Joanne & Donny - Animal Communications Insights
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Kim’s services and animal communication with my new pup Emmie simply blew me away.

The sessions provide a generous level of detail and insight and went above and beyond anything I was expecting. Her connection with Emmie was clear and spot on and addressed a specific concern I was having around crate training by offering me the pup’s point of view. She works with you the owner and your pet to create more ease and harmony in the relationship.

I cannot recommend her more highly!

Julie & Emmie - Julie Sanford Healing
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Kim has a wonderful way of creating the space for people and animals to feel safe, heard and understood. With her open–hearted and intuitive style, combined with a lovely sense of humor, she effortlessly bridges the communication gap between animals and their people, allowing a deeper understanding and connection to flow between them – what a wonderful gift this is!

She gives dogs a voice, allowing them to share their own personal message for us. 

Sue Mimm - Heart Connection Dogs
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Thank you so much for this beautiful communication with Noura!

When I had seen a photo of Noura and knew she was coming to live with me I started looking for a new name for her. I also looked at the meaning of the names and Noura was the first but also the only name that felt right for me. It means “Inner Light” It made me cry when I read what she said about her purpose here and listening to her song  Isn’t she something!
Georgina & Noura
Raidho Canine History
How Raidho Canine Came into Being
Rune Raidho
 Years ago, on our first adventure to Europe, we chose to go on a Scandinavian tour. Jim and I fell in love with the people, the places we visited, and the history & the mythology. Fast forward quite a few years into the future.

My life completely changed when I retired from my IT career to embark on a new journey. I was a week away from my last day as a programmer, and Jim gifted me a bracelet with 3 rune symbols of Elder Futhark. One of the 3 symbols was the rune Raidho. The first moment I began reading about the beautiful meaning of this rune was the moment that Raidho Canine was born.

This quote from Maginrose sums Raidho up beautifully.

“Raidho governs the motion of the stars and the dance of the universe. Closer to home it is the road: the simple act of putting one step in front of another. Not sure where to find it? Listen to your heart beat. Raidho brings alignment with the ordering principles of the universe. When we are properly connected to Raidho we walk the path, rough or smooth, with sensitivity, grace and purpose. Raidho teaches us to balance our own needs with the needs of those around us.”

“Raidho is rhythm and ritual action. It is the integration of all aspects of the self. It is harmony between inner consciousness and outer reality. To be in tune with Raidho is to proceed gracefully upon your path and to live rightly. The act of ‘riding’ requires you to be aware of the world around you, to direct your steed, but it also provides you with support – your horse or carriage will carry you forward if you tend it and guide it well.”
Pink Lotus
As I progressed through the Botanical Self-Selection certification, I resonated with Pink Lotus Absolute. It has become our family ally. If anyone in our home is feeling “off”, we open this aromatic and soon our entire family will be gathered around, calm and at peace. To use this incredible flower as a part of the logo was perfect.

Lotus Flower symbolism and meaning from Saffron Marigold

“Because lotuses rise from the mud without stains, they are often viewed as a symbol of purity. Since they return to the murky water each evening and open their blooms at the break of day, lotus flowers are also symbols of strength, resilience, and rebirth. Still another lotus flower meaning is transcendence: the lotus represents the transcending of man’s spirit over worldly matter since it blooms from the underworld into the light.”
See Raidho's Credentials
Re-Discover Your Potential
Our animals bring us the greatest gifts. They are here to walk our path with us, and we are here to walk their path with them. We are never walking alone, but at times it sure feels that way. Behavior is information, and resistance brings with it opportunities. When you feel resistance in your relationship with your canine companion, it is a golden opportunity to understand your dog and yourself even more.

At Raidho Canine we use animal communication to bring forth the wisdom of your dog. With this knowledge, we have so much more information to guide and support change in the relationship.

Connect through intuitive animal communication.

Align goals and expectations in a way that allows the relationship to thrive.

Transform your daily life by creating a thriving 2-way partnership with your furry companion.

Choose from our Canine Co-Creators Adventure, where the dogs take the lead and guide our intimate group for an epic 9 weeks together.

If groups aren't your thing, then we offer a one-on-one Enlightenment Experience as well.

The Raidho Canine Way™

Helping dog owners build dynamic partnerships with their dog so they thrive and have a blast together every single day. Unlike those who fixate on problems, assumptions, and "quick fixes" we concentrate on building strong foundations, 2-way relationships, and aligned solutions as teammates.

Don't forget to join us in our FREE Circle Community today!  The Raidho Canine Connection Zone awaits!

2023   Raidho Canine,   all rights reserved. Questions? Email:
