Discover the Wisdom of
The Enlightenment Experience
Where relationships take center stage!
The Raidho Canine Way™ is the fastest, most effective way to build a true partnership that is rooted in deep connection and harmony.
The Raidho Canine Way®
"You changed our relationship and our lives." 
Kelly & Twist
Step into The Enlightenment Experience as we bridge the gaps in communication that cause overwhelm, worry, and anxiety
Unleash your relationship potential!
Frustrated by constant misbehavior
Confused by unclear messages
Guilty for "failing" your dog
Devastated by chronic pain/sickness
Embarrassed after each outburst
Anxious during every performance
Ashamed from being angry at your dog
Jealous of others successes
Overwhelmed by training options
"This was an amazing and magical experience"
Georgina & Nadir
A Wholistic Experience
We tackle your biggest challenge week 1
2-way conversation Q&A with your dog week 2
Reiki Energy Healing will bring balance to your animal and to you week 3 
Begin to experience a new 2-way relationship as pieces fall into place week 4
Live Zoom calls bring you together in real-time with your animal each week
Your unshakable foundation results in a thriving partnership
Advocate for your dog with confidence
Freedom reigns supreme as you reap benefits of a respectful 2-way relationship
Connect Honestly
Align Effortlessly
Transform Your Life
Reach Your Potential
Empower you Life!
When we feel the embarrassment of outbursts from our dog, it stings. We feel so many emotions swirling inside of us from shame to anger to frustration, and we begin to feel unworthy and afraid of what our life will be with a dog who struggles at life. We feel hopeless.

Raidho Canine offers you a bold new solution. We are pioneers, and we use our trademark process to explore a new relationship dynamic!
The Raidho Canine Way®
The Enlightenment Experience allows you to turn the tables on what you think you already know. At Raidho Canine, the dogs are in the driver's seat, and you are a co-pilot.

In our 4 weeks together, we will stop the guesswork and the assumptions.

We are addicted to trying to fix our dogs when we think they are breaking rules and especially when they are sick.

Our goal is for your relationship to thrive so that you begin to make aligned choices with confidence. Seek support not validation.
The Raidho Canine Way®
The Three Pillars:
Connect - Align - Transform
CONNECT:  We begin our quest by introducing your dog's emotion into the storyline of challenges you share together. This highlights disconnects and gives us a solid direction forward.
ALIGN: When we understand the gaps created by guesswork and assumption, we can create solutions together, as a team.
TRANSFORM: Methodically closing gaps and creating aligned solutions brick-by-brick forms the strong foundation where brilliant teams thrive together every single day.
"I had the time of my life and was blown away with the unique approach of having the dogs guide us through the six sessions" 
- Bettina & Murphy
Raidho Canine Origins
Connect - Align - Transform

Raidho Canine's programs and services have been created as a result of deep, personal experience dealing with injury, illness, and trauma with both humans and dogs.

Dissatisfied with results and a refusal to accept the limitations set by doctors and trainers, I began studying and learning from all different areas in life.

As I was completing certifications and studies, experimenting with different modalities, a new dog joined our family and her message was clear: Teach, mentor, and coach others. It will heal us all. I followed my heart and the process Connect~Align~Transform was born as

The Raidho Canine Way®

The challenges we experienced resulted in years of study in many arenas. Dog behavior, animal communication, high-performance mindset, botanical self-selection, partnership coaching, Jungian psychology and archetypal human patterns, and Reiki/Energy Healing.

Raidho Canine is my heart and soul. Raidho Canine is why I am here.
"Thank you for opening my eyes, my mind, and my heart so I could see, hear and feel all her magic"
Kelly & Twist
When you feel safe your dog feels safe
Energy is the driving force in life, and it's expansion is fueled by joy and love.

If we are running on empty, our ability to be there for our dogs and for others is diminished.

It is your time now. Ignite your confidence and have a blast ervy day with your dog.
Everyday life with your dog will be harmonious and fun. Little moments will bring great joy, and what once seemed like big obstacles will disappear.

I'm here to guide you as your dog will lead the way. Take action and empower yourself to live a vibrant and fulfilled life.

"You have given all of us a beautiful gift. This was for me the most incredible adventure I have had together with my dogs.
Georgina & Nadir
The Raidho Canine Way®
Connection - Discover gaps in your relationship and understand where and why assumptions hold you back
Alignment - You want this and your dog wants that. We find the common ground
Transformation - Common ground shifts behavior. BOOM!
Freedom - 2-way communication offers peace of mind and a relaxed, curious exploration of day-to-day life
Playfulness - Freedom brings back the playfulness we lose during the challenging times
Empathy - Feel all the feels without the victim/blame mentality
Foundation - Strong self-esteem = strong leadership
Confidence - Make bold decisions about the well-being of your dog without the need for validation
Authenticity - Be you. There won't ever be a relationship that is the same as the one you have with this dog
 Let me be your guide on a profound co-created journey of soulful connection and unconditional love with your dog, unveiling a deeper understanding of their energy, communication, patterns, and personalities. Together, we will reach a new level of respect, reaching new heights in our relationship with our dogs. 
What Clients are Saying
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You changed our relationship and our lives.

Helping us to communicate on the same level improved our relationship 100%. Having a better understanding of who my girl really is and how she sees the world changed how I look at her. 
Kelly and Twisty P
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This was an amazing and magical experience.

Our life together has changed so much. Having so much more fun together, enjoying each day. He has changed from a dog who was all over the place to a calm and happy dog. 

This was for me, the most incredible adventure I have had together with my dogs 💞✨️🙏💃💞
Georgina & Nadir
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I had the time of my life.

I was blown away by the unique approach of having the dogs guide us through the sessions. I have a much stronger connection with all my dogs now.

Bettina Nowicki & Murphy
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Wow, such incredibly profound messages from all of them.

The communications give me such a deeper perspective of who I’m spending my life with! Something deep has been changing in them, in me and in our relationships ... in very practical ways too. 

Cécile & Her 5 Pack - Mon Chien, Mon Partenaire
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When I contacted Kim for communication with Donny, it was because I wanted Donny to have someone he could trust to have a conversation with.

Reading and recalling those times truly lifted me up too. It was a wonderful way to listen to Donny share his favourite memories with me.
Joanne & Donny - Animal Communications Insights
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Kim’s services and animal communication with my new pup Emmie simply blew me away.

The sessions provide a generous level of detail and insight and went above and beyond anything I was expecting. She works with you the owner and your pet to create more ease and harmony in the relationship.
Julie & Emmie - Julie Sanford Healing
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Kim has a wonderful way of creating the space for people and animals to feel safe, heard and understood. 

In her warm, friendly and easy going style, Kim opens up the communication channels between dogs and their carers. She gives dogs a voice, allowing them to share their own personal message for us. 

Sue & Charlie - Heart Connection Dogs
The Raidho Canine Way®
Foundational Enlightenment Experience
4-Week Relationship Accelerator
The Raidho Canine Way™ is the fastest most effective way to build a dynamic and joyful relationship with your dog.
Choose a Single Session to start and then roll that into Enlightenment! 
The Foundational Enlightenment Experience
Begin with a Single Session - If you feel like one sessino is all that you require, we will tackle your biggest challenge in this session. You can add the other 3 sessions on later, and your $400 will be deducted.
Join an Exclusive Group - Experience your dog as never before in this brilliant enrichment opportunity!
Weekly Animal Conversation - Bridge the communication gap with personalized communications that create confidence and trust within your relationship
Weekly Zoom Calls - Gain clarity and work out aligned solutions with your dog that meet the needs of everyone in the family
Access to session recordings - Rewatch and take notes of the incredible wisdom brought forth on these calls
Energy Healing -  Bring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit of your dog as I provide a physical check-in and Reiki session for your amazing companion
Human Reiki Session - Why should the dog have all the fun?  A full distance Reiki session for you too, if you would like it.
A Wholistic Picture - After each week, I will recap the finer details of what we discovered and share with you
Personal attention - Bring careful cultivation of your unshakable foundation!
Investment Plan options will be made available
An Investment of $2400.00

(Payment plans offered)

"You changed our relationship and our lives." 
Kelly & Twist
Don't let this opportunity Escape!
What are you waiting for?
Act Now! Your dog NEEDS you!
Do Your dog a favor!
The 4-Week Enlightenment Experience
Follow the directions  below:
Click the Button to SIGN UP: 
Follow the directions in the welcome email: We will talk to your dog, but it is important for you to open up and ask your honest questions
Build that unshakable foundation:
You're not investing in 4 weeks with your dog, you are investing in your lifetime together
Build a brilliant 2-way relationship:
This experience is dependent on the give and take of conversations and ideas
How You Show Up Matters:
Come to the live sessions prepared. Be on time, ask questions, and have some fun!
Set the Example:
Be present for yourself, for your dog, and for your incredible relationship
Never hesitate to contact Kim:

2023   Raidho Canine,   all rights reserved. Questions? Email:
