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The Raidho Canine Way™
Raidho Canine Offerings
Igniting & Inspiring a carefree & confident life of playfulness and fun
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Empowering One-to-One Conversations
Animal Communication brings forth a powerful connection and opportunity for understanding. It is comforting to hear from our animals. Including them in this way empowers the relationship through empathy, respect, and perspective shifts.

Choose One for the Team if you would like one session so you can focus on one significant challenge.

Choose the Enlightenment Subscription which consists of 4 deep-dive sessions aimed at empowering the human through consistent connection. Choose this option so you learn how to share responsibility on walks, perform more confidently in the ring, and enjoy just chilling out on the couch.

Connect with your dog through animal communciation.

Align your heart's desire with your dog's personality.

Transform your relationships.

I am excited to be a part of your journey with your dog.

One for the Team
Transcript plus Live
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Single Session

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With one session, we will dive into the challenges you are experiencing together. Your dog will be heard, and so will you.

After hearing both sides of the story, we will create an action plan together LIVE on Zoom, and when we have completed you will feel prepared and ready for greatness together with your dog.

A message of love, support, and guidance
The Enlightenment
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Four Sessions

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In our four sessions together, we will continue our quest to understand the challenges that you and your dog are facing together.

Four sessions gives us a great opportunity to dig into deeper levels of understanding, experiment and adjust the plan.

Meeting consistently is suggested for congruency.

An expansive program for transformation and evolution
Circle Community
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Ignite & Inspire Membership

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Join our Membership comunity on the Circle Platform, where everyone participates!

Your animals will join our Wisdom Animal Gallery (WAG) and become part of the story!

This is an enlightening, fun, and interactive place to become brilliant teammates with your animals!

Continue to listen and learn with your dog so you can thrive as partners
 Canine Co-Creators Adventure 



Dog-Guided Adventure.

We will enjoy 9 transformational weeks together.

Week 1 - 90-minute meet for introductions

Week 2 to 8 - one-on-one animal communications, 90-minute lesson, 60-minute Q&A Open Office meet

Week 9 - 90-minute meeting. Summary & closing.

Join this one-of-a-kind transformative experience. Click below to sign up for an interview.

Raidho Canine Connection Zone
A Circle Community
Join us in our membership community where we host events and workshops.

The FREE spaces have a place for discussion, and for keeping up with complimentary workshops and articles. This is where we just hang out and get to know one another.

The IGNITE & INSPIRE Subscription brings you into the fold where we gather live twice per month. You will add your animals to the Animal Wisdom Gallery, and twice per month the WAG gallery chooses a topic for discussion. We hear from the animals, from Kim, and from the members during the week, and close out with a live video. This is a place where we will continue to gather and grow alongside our companions. A perfect place to arrive after completing the Canine Co-Creators 9-Week Adventure.

2023   Raidho Canine,   all rights reserved. Questions? Email:
